We Make It Rock

We Make It Rock Ltd is a company located in Eastern Finland. It was established in 2019. The consulting services are most often related to logistics, daily operations, supply chain, safety and production process. WMIR helps its customers to understand the needs and solutions related to ERP systems. During COVID-pandemic WMIR found new business options in training and education. The entrepreneur of the company is Juha Kahelin.
- Agri-food
- Engineering
- Manufacturing
- Virtual Reality
Case Study: Location in the middle of the woods is a competitive advantage for Kupilka
Read their story- Digital Marketing
- Engineering
- Manufacturing
- Virtual Reality
Case: When Waratah Could not Host Guests at the Plant, a Virtual Tour was the Solution
Read their story- Carbon Footprint
- IT/Software
- Virtual Reality
Case Study: Arbonaut used partners to visualize software use
Read their story- Carbon Footprint
- Engineering
- Virtual Reality