ICBAN (Irish Central Border Area Network)
ICBAN is a cross border network and development organisation working on behalf of eight local authorities in the central border area. The Northern Ireland Councils include Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Mid Ulster District Council, and Fermangh and Omagh Council. The five councils in the Republic of Ireland are Sligo, Leitrim, Donegal, Cavan and Monaghan county councils.
The need for a cross border partnership was identified by local authorities within the Central Border Region in the early 1990s which led to the formal establishment of the Irish Central Border Area Network or ICBAN in 1995. ICBAN was founded to promote cross-border co-operation and communication at a Local Government level on common regional development concerns. This provided a forum to respond to the unique economic and social needs of the Central Border Region. ICBAN has significant experience of leading and delivering numerous INTERREG transnational / transborder projects valued at €50 million since 2003, across the Northern Ireland (UK) and Ireland jurisdictions and border. These have been delivered through the INTERREG III and INTERREG IV programmes in the areas of; SME support, innovation, tourism, heritage and economic/community development.
- Agri-food
- Engineering
- Manufacturing
- Virtual Reality
Case Study: Location in the middle of the woods is a competitive advantage for Kupilka
Read their story- Digital Marketing
- Engineering
- Manufacturing
- Virtual Reality
Case: When Waratah Could not Host Guests at the Plant, a Virtual Tour was the Solution
Read their story- Carbon Footprint
- IT/Software
- Virtual Reality
Case Study: Arbonaut used partners to visualize software use
Read their story- Carbon Footprint
- Engineering
- Virtual Reality