
Arbonaut is currently one of the few companies in the world that can provide a full-service system covering every aspect of forest information collection and data management. From sky to screen, Arbonaut has achieved information integration and accessibility by designing tools for all aspects of timber resource data collection, analysis, and management. Today, as a result of the company’s innovations, many of the world’s largest timber owners rely on Arbonaut’s ArboLiDAR remote sensing technology for effective forest inventory.
- Agri-food
- Engineering
- Manufacturing
- Virtual Reality
Case Study: Location in the middle of the woods is a competitive advantage for Kupilka
Read their story- Digital Marketing
- Engineering
- Manufacturing
- Virtual Reality
Case: When Waratah Could not Host Guests at the Plant, a Virtual Tour was the Solution
Read their story- Carbon Footprint
- IT/Software
- Virtual Reality
Case Study: Arbonaut used partners to visualize software use
Read their story- Carbon Footprint
- Engineering
- Virtual Reality